SPACE INVADER - the mother ship
When the opportunity allows, it's nice to challenge yourself. The challenge here was to take bits of broken inlay tiles from a previous build (ladybug) and use them. When I first made my inlay tile block, I showed a few friends and they said "cool, a space invader inlay" and I was like "yeah... uhhhh...", which is how any great concept is born. Placing the tiles strategically was interesting; when you have no boundaries on an idea, it tends to go to the extremes. I recognize that instrument is a lot, and not for everyone, but it is more a functional piece of art than something that's solely meant to be looked at.
As an archtop maker, it's nice to offer a big, honkin' guitar to get a big honkin' sound, although this guitar is deceiving, at only being 16.25" wide at the lower bout. The offset of the body compensates for the removal of the top at the cutaway, and I find it functions more like a non-cutaway, offering a larger sound. Hand carved Sitka top, Broadleaf Maple back & sides, Eastern Hard maple neck, lightning struck Apple wood appointments.